Why Am I Doing This?

Thursday, September 16, 2004

At the movies....

Got a sneak preview of that new movie, "Sky Captain and the World of Tenille." What the heck, if ABBA, Queen, and Elvis get musicals based on their music, why not the dynamic duo that brought us "Muskrat Love"? Although I think I could live without the image of muskrats loving in zero-g, most of this movie was a wonderful cross of 40's comics and 70's sappy love songs. When Captian Gilbert 'O Sullivan and Polly Purebred broke out into "Love will Keep us In Leather", the scene brought tears to my eyes. Ok, I confess, tears of pain, but tears nonetheless.... And then, of course, there's that memorable femme fatale with the eye-patch, Franky Vallet. Her falsetto is totally to die for. In fact, her voice is used to shatter the good-guy weapons, and is beautifully rendered as little concentric circles floating out of her mouth. It's too bad she missed Suzie and Sam, but perhaps that's the fault of the ASPCA, since no muskrats, even cgi ones, were harmed during the filming of this movie.


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