Why Am I Doing This?

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I think I've missed too many RA meetings...
Some friends of mine (hi, friends!) were wondering why anyone would bother to have "bathroom books". This is a no-brainer for the addicted reader. How many times can you read the word "Charmin" in five minutes or so before going insane with boredom? At least a magazine or book has more than one word printed in it...

I think I'd draw the line at the iLoo, however.

Meanwhile, back in RetroLand

This is for my crime-fighting colleague Blue Guy: I hear that the retro TV station is rerunning a show about a crazy family that grew up in the forest during the depression years, until one Christmas a wooden soldier with massive jaws crushes them all. It's called, of course, The Walnuts.


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