Why Am I Doing This?

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

New in Theaters!

In the heat of battle, four Civil War soldiers accidentally run their commander through with a bayonette. They make a pact to hide the body. One year later, one of them, Captain Nathan Algren (played by Sarah Michelle Geller) heads to Japan as a mercenary. After receiving threatening letters stating "I know what you did..." he allows himself to be captured by the other side. Here, Nathan discovers the code of the Samurai, his love of his foe's wife (played by Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and the friendship of the Samurai warrior Katsumoto (played by G.I. Joe, the Ken Wannabe). But Nathan's friends and his new found ideals may just be the victim of a serial killer (played by Tom Cruise, who is played by Freddie "Prinze" Kruger) out for revenge. As the body count rises, you find yourself yelling to Nathan "I know what will happen when you open that closet!" in more spots than one. The promising premise turns into standard teen terror and gore as soon as the opening credits stop rolling.

Rated R for Reliably Gory
One thumb up for gratutious open shirt scenes
One thumb down for stealing the best scenes out of Scream 3.


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